Welcome to A&C! I'm glad you've found us.
A lot of the answer to your questions is - we don't necessarily know.
Our site is in beta and it's pretty new - less than a year - and part of the beta process (and to some degree over the course of the site's entire existence) is determining the scope of what's on topic for the site.
In general it is our goal to focus on the application of arts and crafts.
Things that are tangentially related like cleaning up clothing after you've spilled some of your arts or crafts medium on them or questions about specific artists or their work are considered off topic, despite being related to A&C more broadly. Additionally, because we focus on hand-made art, we exclude questions about digital arts like graphic design/painting and photography.
The question you link to was a bit unclear what they were asking for. As you can see in the comments, that was what people were trying to clarify:
Are you looking for digital or physical solutions? Are your notes typically text, or do they include photos or other media? – whrrgarbl
The user's comment response to this made it pretty clear that what they want is help with organizing their ideas.
@whrrgarbi - digital. They are a mix of text, photos, videos - bascially everything. I am using Notes for Mac at the moment and it's great. The difficulty I am having is in ordering the ideas. I am not looking for software per se, more a way of cataloguing the ideas efficiently so I can have access to them. – user23475
Personally I feel that this falls into the tangential category of "not really about arts or crafts". This is why I pointed out that a site like Software Recommendations would be good for them if they wanted a piece of software to help them out. Though, with the caveat that they need to add more detail to their question.
Other questions like this might do well on another one of our newer sites, Personal Productivity. In fact, this might really be the ideal target for this question.
I'm not sure why but, if someone was looking for help keeping track of their yarn or their embroidery floss, I'd be more likely to keep it here because it's about the physical tools/equipment/media of arts and crafts.
While other sites may not be knowledgeable of ravelry, we are less likely to be aware of a full variety of idea-logging practices. What your ideas are is sort of irrelevant to tracking them. The OP of that question may find that a computer issue-tracking program or even a wedding-planning app or something like that that suits their needs and that's not within our knowledge base.
I'd love to see what other users think about this, though. Where do we draw the line between tangential but on-topic (cleaning up brushes) vs tangential but off-topic (cleaning clothing that got paint spilled on it)?